Tuesday, July 26, 2011

1 Chemo Tx down, 7 more to go

I had my first chemotherapy treatment yesterday. We got to the CCOM center at 830 for blood work. My port-a-cath was accessed for the first time. This was quite scarey. I have accessed plenty of ports and everyone has winced. I didn't wince. It went in slick as _____.

I then had a meeting with Dr. Sinclair. We had a few questions and she had some answers. Last week, I had to have Echocardiogram at EMMC. This was used to check heart function. The two meds I am using right know are harsh on the heart. I will have a repeat echo in about 2-4 months.

I was taken to the infusion waiting room and it was like a living room, couches, rocking chairs, plain chairs, tons of magazines, puzzles, small mini kitchen for me and Troy. Pepsi, Dt. Pepsi, Gingerale.

I didn't start the actual premeds for the chemotherapy until about 11 am. The Adriamycin was pushed pretty quickly then the cytoxan started and takes an hour for the infusion. We were finally done around 150pm. It takes about 3 hours to do whole infusions.

No real side effects with meds at time of infusion. I did fall asleep halfway through the cytoxan infusion. My reiki master had suggested that she saw my healing angel Raphael engulf me with his beautiful wings. I did not dream about anything. Woke up with the pump went off. Visualizing pacman chomping down the cancer cells. We left about 2 pm. Everyone is very nice there.

 This is the Recliner Chair that I sat in for my treatment. The blankets came from a warmer. I wore shorts, believe me I won't wear shorts again. My legs stuck to the chair. Didn't feel very good.

My port worked nicely. No problems with infusion. Troy was with me and quite bored. He will be bringing his laptop next time.

Thank you honey for being by my side!!! I love you.

Monday night, pretty much the only symptoms I had was a headache, but that can be a reason of caffiene withdrawal. Hadn't drank much Dt. Pepsi. The other symptom was red urine from the adriamycin. It was red when she pushed it through my port!!!!

The cytoxan was a hour drip. I fell asleep halfway through it with. 

I want to thank everyone, My parents, Gene and Sue, my brother and sister-in-law, Adam and Heidi with kids, Anthony, Nathan, and Hannah, my mother-in-law, Gail (Mimi), my aunt, Cindy, all of my friends at work and all my homey friends, My loving husband Troy and my little nurse, Abby.

I want to also thank all my medical teams, Dr. Sinclair and her staff at the CCOM.

Love Jennifer

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