Hi, I haven't written here for some time. I have a new best friend, her name is Ericka and she is really sensitive to my reiki. I think it is great!!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Hello Everyone
Hi, It has been all summer since my last post. I have started a new blog at www.mydivinecrystals.com. The start of my new life, healing after Breast Cancer. I am in remission and feeling better. I am still quite fatigued by the end of the day but I am hanging in there.
In just one week, I will be walking in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Bangor (3 miles) and in October, Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in New York City (39 miles).
Please visit my participant center if you would like to make a donation.
"I Support the Fight against Breast Cancer" car decals, for sale at my Crystal Shop
Thank you all for the Support over the last year. If it weren't for all of you, I would be lost. Thank you.
In just one week, I will be walking in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure in Bangor (3 miles) and in October, Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in New York City (39 miles).
Please visit my participant center if you would like to make a donation.
"I Support the Fight against Breast Cancer" car decals, for sale at my Crystal Shop
Thank you all for the Support over the last year. If it weren't for all of you, I would be lost. Thank you.
Monday, June 18, 2012
One Year Anniversary of Breast Cancer Diagnosis
I would like to say, I am happy with SFD in Pittsfield. Today is my 39th birthday. Wow so hard to believe a year has passed since my initial biopsy.
I am so ready to say goodbye to 2011 and Hello to 2012. I have had a Hell of one year. My biospy was on the day before my birthday, one year ago. I found out results on the 20th. One year ago.
Thank you everyone for all the support over the last year. thank you. Love you all. I am here and I am Alive
I am so ready to say goodbye to 2011 and Hello to 2012. I have had a Hell of one year. My biospy was on the day before my birthday, one year ago. I found out results on the 20th. One year ago.
Thank you everyone for all the support over the last year. thank you. Love you all. I am here and I am Alive
Saturday, June 9, 2012
Happy Anniversary, Troy
16 years ago yesterday, I married my best friend. Troy, I love you with all of my heart. I am so glad we went out last night. Texas Roadhouse and a Movie, Men In Black 3. It was a lot of fun. Love you!!!
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Color Purple - Violet |
Purple is the color of good judgment. It is the color of people seeking spiritual fulfillment. It is said if you surround yourself with purple you will have peace of mind. Purple is a good color to use in meditation.
Purple has been used to symbolize magic and mystery, as well as royalty. Being the combination of red and blue, the warmest and coolest colors, purple is believed to be the ideal color. Most children love the color purple. Purple is the color most favored by artists. Thursday's color is purple.
Violet is the color of purpose. Violet is associated with the Crown chakra (This links individual and universal).
Violet Energy
Violet is a combination of blue and red. Red is a focusing, dynamic and active energy while blue is cooling, calming and expansive. Violet brings a new dynamic to the expansion of blue and the activity of red. Red brings practicality to the undirected expansiveness of the blue, and allows more creative energy to emerge. For this reason, violet is associated with imagination and inspiration.
Violet is an important energy for those who use blue and indigo skills in the psychic field. The red in violet offers a grounding effect.
Put some violet in your life when you want:
Violet gem stone properties
Violet gemstones are associated with mysticism and purification. They are used for meditation and to sharpen psychic awareness, connection with higher self, and to increase imagination and inspiration.
Retrieved from http://crystal-cure.com/purple.html
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Muladhara Sanskrit for Root Chakra
Root Chakra or Muladhara

It is through the first chakra that energy from the earth enters the suble energy system of the body, an where we would feel our connection with the earth on which we live. It gives us a connection with the life on the planet as a whole, that we are not separate little entities.
It is the seat of the Kundalini, the coiled up serpent waiting to spring. It controls the horizontal section of the body from just below the buttocks to a point just above the sexual organs; excretion and digestion of food.
We must balance this chakra before moving on to the others. Otherwise our growth will be without roots, i.e., ungrounded.
The stones that help this Chakra are Red Jasper, bloodstone, Ruby, Chocolate Tourmaline.
Other names: Root, base muladhara, Kundalini (Sanskrit)
Root Chakra is at the base of the spine and the pubic bone. It encompasses the genitals and reproductive organs.
Color: red
Key Words: stability, solidarity, unity and form.
The organ associations are the gonads, also the coccygeal body, adrenal gland, the kidneys and the spinal column
The importance of the location is the kundalini
The many attributes of this Chakra are that it is athletic, it cares about survival, sensuality, pleasure and power.
Governs: perception of the physical world, willpower, motivation and intent
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Gem Elixirs....What are they?
Well, I am here to tell you that they do work. I used my Rose Quartz elixir on my radiation burns and it really did seem to help. The blisters healed pretty fast.
A Gem elixir is water infused with a certain crystal. It's all about INTENTIONS AND VIBRATIONS. Each crystal gives off a certain energy or vibration. If you place a crystal in Distilled or Sterile Water, then you can have a powerful elixir at your fingertips. But you need to be careful because there are some gems that are toxic. So if you have any questions, please feel free to visit my website. It will have a list of toxic gems. Rule of thumb, if it is bright or soft, don't put it water unless you are going to feed it to your plants.
My Divine Crystals
A Gem elixir is water infused with a certain crystal. It's all about INTENTIONS AND VIBRATIONS. Each crystal gives off a certain energy or vibration. If you place a crystal in Distilled or Sterile Water, then you can have a powerful elixir at your fingertips. But you need to be careful because there are some gems that are toxic. So if you have any questions, please feel free to visit my website. It will have a list of toxic gems. Rule of thumb, if it is bright or soft, don't put it water unless you are going to feed it to your plants.
My Divine Crystals
This is a link to Hibiscus Moon's Gem Elixir eKit. And guess what.....I am featured in this kit. Rose Quartz Gem Elixir, the one I mentioned above. Yes it is me. Soooo excited to be a part of this wonderful opportunity. In a book, which made me think that I could write my own as well.
HOW I BEAT CANCER WITH A POSITIVE ATTITUDE. It's about my Breast Cancer treatment, before, during and after.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Another New Venture
To all of my followers out there. Yes, you. You know who you are.......
I start my new NP position June 4, and start seeing patients on June 11. I am really excited, long story. But I will be joining Jim Love PA at Sebasticook Family Doctors in the Pittsfield office.
I am home, for now. Busy. Getting the pool ready. there is only about 16 inches of water in it, but the kids have played in it the last 2 days. It is a soft side pool but with the posts. Same as last year. I just never got it down this past fall cause I was still having chemo. The energy wasn't there. So it sat in our yard all winter with about 2 or 3 inches of water, leaves, bugs, and yucky stuff till this past weekend.
I got in the pool with zach (after scooping out as much of the leaves and debris that I could) and we scrubbed the floor the walls, the whole inside of the pool. Rinsed down the sides and then Troy brought up our sump pump (well an extra one) and we pumped out the few inches of water and began filling it with fresh water.
Well, knee deep water is awesome. Our neighbor came over and he and Abby and Zach had a grand ole time. they were splashing around like it was the middle of summer. That water was cold but kids love cold water!! and such a relief after coming home from school. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I am sure Abby will be in the pool when she gets home. She loves it in there. She spends most of her summer there when I am home.
I will continue to have Wednesdays off and weekends. though I will be taking call during the week on a rotating schedule.
Has anyone tried the pear muffins? Let me know. Either post to Facebook or write below on the comment box. thanks.
I start my new NP position June 4, and start seeing patients on June 11. I am really excited, long story. But I will be joining Jim Love PA at Sebasticook Family Doctors in the Pittsfield office.
I am home, for now. Busy. Getting the pool ready. there is only about 16 inches of water in it, but the kids have played in it the last 2 days. It is a soft side pool but with the posts. Same as last year. I just never got it down this past fall cause I was still having chemo. The energy wasn't there. So it sat in our yard all winter with about 2 or 3 inches of water, leaves, bugs, and yucky stuff till this past weekend.
I got in the pool with zach (after scooping out as much of the leaves and debris that I could) and we scrubbed the floor the walls, the whole inside of the pool. Rinsed down the sides and then Troy brought up our sump pump (well an extra one) and we pumped out the few inches of water and began filling it with fresh water.
Well, knee deep water is awesome. Our neighbor came over and he and Abby and Zach had a grand ole time. they were splashing around like it was the middle of summer. That water was cold but kids love cold water!! and such a relief after coming home from school. If it doesn't rain tomorrow, I am sure Abby will be in the pool when she gets home. She loves it in there. She spends most of her summer there when I am home.
I will continue to have Wednesdays off and weekends. though I will be taking call during the week on a rotating schedule.
Has anyone tried the pear muffins? Let me know. Either post to Facebook or write below on the comment box. thanks.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Healthy Pear Muffins
Healthy Pear Muffins
(from scratch)
1 stick of Butter
1 cup of Brown Sugar
1 egg
Dash of Vanilla
1 cup of Orange Juice
2 cups of Flour
2 cups of Dry Oatmeal
1 1/2 tsp of Baking Soda
Dash of Salt
3-4 Pears, diced
2 peeled Kiwis
Few Strawberries
Handful of Blueberries
Preheat oven to 350*.
Macerate the fruit. I used the microwave with 3 tblspoon of Splenda Sugar Mix. 1 minute. Then mash to consistency that you like, minimal for chunky muffins or a lot for less chunky muffins.
Melt butter, mix with brown sugar until blended. Add egg and mix. Add Vanilla. Add Juice (you can use any kind of juice). Mix well.
Add dry ingredients together and then slowly mix in the batter. Add fruit. May have to add a little extra flour and oats for texture. Fruit has its own juices and will make batter a bit loose. Firm it up to medium. (not like cookie dough).
Use oil or Spray Oil in muffin pan or loaf pan. for small to medium muffins cook 14-16 minutes or until done in the middle. Serve hot or cold.
They were yummy!!
You can use any kind of fruit that you want. Mash and add.
This is my recipe. Feel free to copy, give to friends, family etc.
They are very yummy, my husband ate 3 of them right out of the muffin pan. (He's picky)
Until my next post, Namaste.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Teresia Reiki Retreat
Welcome again.
I just got back a few hours ago from my first Reiki Retreat. It was such a Spiritual Event. There were friends, food, Stones (cleansed with the 3 most important cleansers of all.). Sun, Moon, Salt Water.
Bailey Island.
I love MDI, but I also love the feel of this Island. Bailey Island is a small one about 45 min south of Brunswick.
So much food. Yummy, Pear Muffins, Spinach and Cheese Squares, Asparagus Quiche, Spinach Quiche, Hard Boiled Eggs. So much more. Herbal Popcorn (I brought), more Muffins, blueberry, cranberry and choc chip, ginger and choc, and coffee cake muffins.
It was so beautiful. I got there on Friday evening, sat with a fire in the fireplace in the cottage called Briney Cottage. This was a rented cabin with most amenities. No phone, (though I had cell phone), no TV, no radio. It was a long ride but worth it. I wish I could have brought Troy and Abby. Reiki is meditation and Spiritual.
Michelle, Mind, Body and Soul, brought most of her Gems. Boy did she have some beauties!! A large Clear Quartz point that I really wanted but it was $55! Double terminated, so many different varieties.
I slept on an air mattress upstairs with 2 of my Reiki Masters, whom attuned me to Master. Jeanne and Charlotte. Joan didn't get there until Saturday.
The views were awesome. The ocean and the waves crashing. So peaceful. We walked on the beach and collected Stones. Asking Mother Earth for her presents. Taking what felt right, choosing the right Stones. (pictures to be posted in a bit).
Group Reiki performed on each other. This is so relaxing. There were about 5 in my group. I was second to receive and felt great. Then I gave Reiki to the others. I placed Gems on the Chakras for 3 of the others. Was nice!
We had a bonfire Saturday night on the beach. We set off Wish Lanterns that night. We lit the bottom of the paper lantern and the hot air caused it to fly up into the sky. Lots of stars out. They were 100% biodegradable. As they burned out, they disappeared up into the black starry sky. As they traveled up, they took our wishes, our intentions into the sky. So AMAZING!!
So many feelings, so many new friends. The end of a long Journey. The new me, the new rebirth of my new life. Cancer free, Alive, here for my children and Troy. Boy do I love them so much. Sorry if I am making you cry.
It is not a time to cry but to laugh. I am here. I'm not going anywhere!!
It was a great weekend. Thanks so Much Jeanne, Charlotte and Joan, I had a great time. Love you all. I can not wait for Karen B. to meet all of you.
I brought back 3 small totes of Bailey Island rocks. perfect in size and shape. I had a nice granite piece of Stone in my truck from MDI. It had been in my truck for some time, just waiting for the right time. This was it. I gave it to the shore of Bailey Island for allowing me to share their Stones with my family and friends. I have some great ideas. All money made will benefit Breast Cancer Research. I will be making some jewelry and some other nifty ideas for my Etsy Shop. http://www.caringsoul68.etsy.com
Will post pics later
Love you all,
Love and Light, Bright Crysally Blessings
I just got back a few hours ago from my first Reiki Retreat. It was such a Spiritual Event. There were friends, food, Stones (cleansed with the 3 most important cleansers of all.). Sun, Moon, Salt Water.
Bailey Island.
I love MDI, but I also love the feel of this Island. Bailey Island is a small one about 45 min south of Brunswick.
So much food. Yummy, Pear Muffins, Spinach and Cheese Squares, Asparagus Quiche, Spinach Quiche, Hard Boiled Eggs. So much more. Herbal Popcorn (I brought), more Muffins, blueberry, cranberry and choc chip, ginger and choc, and coffee cake muffins.
It was so beautiful. I got there on Friday evening, sat with a fire in the fireplace in the cottage called Briney Cottage. This was a rented cabin with most amenities. No phone, (though I had cell phone), no TV, no radio. It was a long ride but worth it. I wish I could have brought Troy and Abby. Reiki is meditation and Spiritual.
Michelle, Mind, Body and Soul, brought most of her Gems. Boy did she have some beauties!! A large Clear Quartz point that I really wanted but it was $55! Double terminated, so many different varieties.
I slept on an air mattress upstairs with 2 of my Reiki Masters, whom attuned me to Master. Jeanne and Charlotte. Joan didn't get there until Saturday.
The views were awesome. The ocean and the waves crashing. So peaceful. We walked on the beach and collected Stones. Asking Mother Earth for her presents. Taking what felt right, choosing the right Stones. (pictures to be posted in a bit).
Group Reiki performed on each other. This is so relaxing. There were about 5 in my group. I was second to receive and felt great. Then I gave Reiki to the others. I placed Gems on the Chakras for 3 of the others. Was nice!
We had a bonfire Saturday night on the beach. We set off Wish Lanterns that night. We lit the bottom of the paper lantern and the hot air caused it to fly up into the sky. Lots of stars out. They were 100% biodegradable. As they burned out, they disappeared up into the black starry sky. As they traveled up, they took our wishes, our intentions into the sky. So AMAZING!!
So many feelings, so many new friends. The end of a long Journey. The new me, the new rebirth of my new life. Cancer free, Alive, here for my children and Troy. Boy do I love them so much. Sorry if I am making you cry.
It is not a time to cry but to laugh. I am here. I'm not going anywhere!!
It was a great weekend. Thanks so Much Jeanne, Charlotte and Joan, I had a great time. Love you all. I can not wait for Karen B. to meet all of you.
I brought back 3 small totes of Bailey Island rocks. perfect in size and shape. I had a nice granite piece of Stone in my truck from MDI. It had been in my truck for some time, just waiting for the right time. This was it. I gave it to the shore of Bailey Island for allowing me to share their Stones with my family and friends. I have some great ideas. All money made will benefit Breast Cancer Research. I will be making some jewelry and some other nifty ideas for my Etsy Shop. http://www.caringsoul68.etsy.com
Will post pics later
Love you all,
Love and Light, Bright Crysally Blessings
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Welcome to my Blog
This blog was started just after my diagnosis of Breast Cancer but before my Mastectomy. I want to thank all of my viewers for reading and keeping up with me. I can feel all of your prayers from each and every view that You look at. I am pleased at all the new people looking at my blog. I want to thank Hibiscus Moon for all that she has done as well. Without her, I wouldn't have found the true healing powers of the Crystals that Karen introduced to me. Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy
This is where you can read about my Journey with Breast Cancer as a Young Survivor of 2 lovely children. I had to fight, even though each step was so hard to take. If I can change one person's life or touch them to do their own breast exams, then I have done what I needed to do. I found my own lump and glad I am not afraid to touch my own breasts. Well, now I don't have any but that doesn't bother me. I have my life and I love my husband, and children very much.
Putting everything in perspective is important to do. Life is Important.
Troy, my dear Husband, has been awesome throughout this whole journey. He walked with me this past September in the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure, I walked only 1/2 of the 1K. I was in the middle of treatment, chemotherapy. This September, I am on the planning board for it, I am walking the whole 5 K. If you would like to make a donation, you can click on the side panel. It is a tax deductible donation.
Breast Cancer Research, the money will go towards my walk in the Susan G. Komen, Race for the Cure in September of 2012. I hope to raise $1000 for my Team Caring Soul. (which is the name of my Etsy Store and my blog.) This is just something I came up with in the very beginning. I was thinking about opening my own practice, (I am a Nurse Practitioner by trade) before I got sick. This has been put on the back burner for now.
My goal is $1000.00 or more to give to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in Sept of 2012.
Love you all.
Gotta go to bed.
I am going to Bailey's Island tomorrow for all weekend. Reiki Retreat with my Reiki Master that attuned me to Master. Jeanne thank you so much. Karen I think of you every day and wish you were in Maine now.
Love to all my followers and my new followers,
Love and Light to all,
Bright Crystally Blessings,
PS if you would like Distance Reiki, leave a comment, with your first name and your intention.
April 2012 |
Me, April 2012 |
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Me, Sept 2011, Susan G. Komen Walk, Half way through Chemotherapy |
This is where you can read about my Journey with Breast Cancer as a Young Survivor of 2 lovely children. I had to fight, even though each step was so hard to take. If I can change one person's life or touch them to do their own breast exams, then I have done what I needed to do. I found my own lump and glad I am not afraid to touch my own breasts. Well, now I don't have any but that doesn't bother me. I have my life and I love my husband, and children very much.
Putting everything in perspective is important to do. Life is Important.
Troy, my dear Husband, has been awesome throughout this whole journey. He walked with me this past September in the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure, I walked only 1/2 of the 1K. I was in the middle of treatment, chemotherapy. This September, I am on the planning board for it, I am walking the whole 5 K. If you would like to make a donation, you can click on the side panel. It is a tax deductible donation.
Breast Cancer Research, the money will go towards my walk in the Susan G. Komen, Race for the Cure in September of 2012. I hope to raise $1000 for my Team Caring Soul. (which is the name of my Etsy Store and my blog.) This is just something I came up with in the very beginning. I was thinking about opening my own practice, (I am a Nurse Practitioner by trade) before I got sick. This has been put on the back burner for now.
My goal is $1000.00 or more to give to the Susan G. Komen Foundation in Sept of 2012.
Love you all.
Gotta go to bed.
I am going to Bailey's Island tomorrow for all weekend. Reiki Retreat with my Reiki Master that attuned me to Master. Jeanne thank you so much. Karen I think of you every day and wish you were in Maine now.
Love to all my followers and my new followers,
Love and Light to all,
Bright Crystally Blessings,
PS if you would like Distance Reiki, leave a comment, with your first name and your intention.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
I have a new attachment!!!
Large Seroma developed on the right side of my chest. Unfortunately, I have another drain in my chest. This one doesn't hurt. The Surgeon placed a catheter into an area that is so numb, I don't even know it is there. No pain! Anyway, it will be in at least a week. Work.....I can't say much yet about work.
Love you all
Love you all
Healing Crystals, Beginners Class
So the eClass is closed but that doesn't mean that you still can't take the classes. Hibiscus Moon is the best teacher ever!!! If you want to learn about the Vibrations and the healing properties of Crystals, this is the right place.
Please visit her blog
The Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy click on the link.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tarot: 6 of Swords, by LT
Dear Followers,
I had started back to work but have been delayed due to another drain being placed in my chest. I had a complication of a large Seroma develop in my right chest. (Large pocket of fluid). Dr. O'Connor placed a needle in my chest and left a plastic catheter like an IV in my chest. Didn't feel a thing!! numb as can be. My chest feels better, less pressure. I am right handed and I use my right arm all the time. I guess if I rested it might heal faster.
I just can't sit anymore. I did enough of that this past 10 months. I am so ready to be back at work. There is a reason why it keeps getting delayed? Not sure yet why.......
Anyway, this was in my in box this evening....IT IS SO TRUE!!!!!!
6 of Swords: Happiness on the Horizon
Hi Jennifer bagley. The 6 of Swords is a great sign you are making progress, even if things still feel like a struggle or you still feel stuck. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight and you should feel you are closer to being where you want to be.
The past 6-12 months may have been turbulent and stressful for you or perhaps frustrating and unfulfilling. The next 3-6 months may bring welcome positive change.
Ask yourself where you want to be in 6 months time and what you want in your life by then. Whatever progress you are looking for in your love life, career or finances, it's the choices and decisions you make now that will determine whether you achieve it or not.
The energy of this optimistic card is one of forward motion: for some it may be a gentle and gradual pace but for others it will be much faster and more exciting. What determines the pace of change is the level of enthusiasm and positivity you can bring to your decision making and actions now.
A boat travels faster over water when its heavy burden is lightened, so take a moment to ask yourself what, or who, you may need to let go of in order to move forward more easily.
When the 6 of Swords appears in your readings it is a positive sign that you will find your way forward, create positive change and move on with your life. It is about focusing on how you want things to be in your future and developing a plan to make it happen.
If you have been feeling emotionally down and stuck recently, raise your eyes and look to the horizon of your future and imagine seeing yourself there with everything you desire in your life.
People seldom drive their car without knowing where they want to go and how to get there, so take a moment today to think about where you want to be in the next 6-12 months and begin to plan out a route. With the 6 of Swords on your side, you'll have every chance of getting there!
It's all up to you. No-one else can choose your next 6 months for you. Either you can choose to allow things to continue as they are, or you can start now to make the decisions and take the actions necessary to set yourself on a course for a brighter, happier and more fulfilling future.
I wish you the best of luck.
I had started back to work but have been delayed due to another drain being placed in my chest. I had a complication of a large Seroma develop in my right chest. (Large pocket of fluid). Dr. O'Connor placed a needle in my chest and left a plastic catheter like an IV in my chest. Didn't feel a thing!! numb as can be. My chest feels better, less pressure. I am right handed and I use my right arm all the time. I guess if I rested it might heal faster.
I just can't sit anymore. I did enough of that this past 10 months. I am so ready to be back at work. There is a reason why it keeps getting delayed? Not sure yet why.......
Anyway, this was in my in box this evening....IT IS SO TRUE!!!!!!
6 of Swords: Happiness on the Horizon
Hi Jennifer bagley. The 6 of Swords is a great sign you are making progress, even if things still feel like a struggle or you still feel stuck. The light at the end of the tunnel is in sight and you should feel you are closer to being where you want to be.
The past 6-12 months may have been turbulent and stressful for you or perhaps frustrating and unfulfilling. The next 3-6 months may bring welcome positive change.
Ask yourself where you want to be in 6 months time and what you want in your life by then. Whatever progress you are looking for in your love life, career or finances, it's the choices and decisions you make now that will determine whether you achieve it or not.
The energy of this optimistic card is one of forward motion: for some it may be a gentle and gradual pace but for others it will be much faster and more exciting. What determines the pace of change is the level of enthusiasm and positivity you can bring to your decision making and actions now.
A boat travels faster over water when its heavy burden is lightened, so take a moment to ask yourself what, or who, you may need to let go of in order to move forward more easily.
When the 6 of Swords appears in your readings it is a positive sign that you will find your way forward, create positive change and move on with your life. It is about focusing on how you want things to be in your future and developing a plan to make it happen.
If you have been feeling emotionally down and stuck recently, raise your eyes and look to the horizon of your future and imagine seeing yourself there with everything you desire in your life.
People seldom drive their car without knowing where they want to go and how to get there, so take a moment today to think about where you want to be in the next 6-12 months and begin to plan out a route. With the 6 of Swords on your side, you'll have every chance of getting there!
It's all up to you. No-one else can choose your next 6 months for you. Either you can choose to allow things to continue as they are, or you can start now to make the decisions and take the actions necessary to set yourself on a course for a brighter, happier and more fulfilling future.
I wish you the best of luck.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Pink Sistah's Breast Cancer Support Group
Hello everyone. Just a quick note.
Tomorrow is the Open House for the Pink Sistah's. Breast Cancer Support Group in Newport, Maine. It will be at the Newport Cultural Center from 11-12 pm.
We will be meeting monthly, but will find out how many people will be available first, before we set a date.
If you or someone you know is FIGHTING or is a SURVIVOR of Breast Cancer, please come to this open house. IT will be informative.
Jennifer Bagley,
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom
Tarot Reading by Jen. If you are interested in a reading from me, send my an email at:
Family Purpose
My Family of Origin
My Past
The Highest Purpose My Family has Served
Single Card Reading, question was,
Will Zach be ready for School next year?
If you are interested in a reading, please email me.
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Zachary is 4 Today.
My kids make out every year. Unfortunately, my parents live 2 hours away but Mimi, my mother in law, lives 2 seconds away, my kids love going to Mimi's house. My children always have 2 birthday parties. One here in Newport, then one at my mom's house on Mount Desert Island. I have pictures of the cake that my Mimi (Troy's mom) got Zach and I will post pics of the cake that I will be taking down to Grammy's (my mom) house on Sunday. Both are very beautiful cakes.
Pictures at Field of Dreams, Rt 7 in Unity. Playground that Abby loved as a toddler. It was time to take Zach. We went on Saturday. He loved every minute of it.
Cake from SnS, at Mimi's House |
I am very sure that the Cake by Jess, Lightening McQueen is going to taste really good.
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cake by Jess Adams, for Grammy's House |
My little boy is 4 years old. I can not believe it. He had a good day though. We spent some time in Ellsworth, Dentist appt for me, tooth needed to be pulled. So my mom watched Zach and Abby while I was in the chair. He was good, I never heard him cry or screech.
He got a pail and shovel, a lightening mcqueen Legos set from Grammy and jammies. Mimi got him a Fireman's hat and a fire engine, and jammies too. Abby got him scooby doo figurines dressed up as Pirates. He loves pirates!! some coloring books, Umi Zoomie, Bubble Guppies. His favorite. Thomas the train small set. He had a great day.
He is another year older. He goes to school next year, hopefully.
Love you Zach,
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