Friday, December 30, 2011

Radiation, Finally, 2 down

Hello all. Sorry I didn't post yesterday for my first radiation treatment. I was coming down with some type of flu bug. Fever, chills, aches, nausea. Fever got to 102 even after Tylenol. I ended up taking some Sudafed and Motrin and fell asleep!

Troy took me to my radiation appointment today, because I was still a bit dizzy and not feeling well. My appt was at 830. They were on time today.

Yesterday, my appt was at 245 and didn't get in until 345, then I was on this cold hard table for 45 minutes. I mean it was very hard. They had to do some xrays to make sure they were radiating the right spots.

I went into Meditation mode, Reiki Meditation. I saw angels. pink, blue and green. They kept me safe and helped to direct the radiation to where it needed to go.

Meditation is good for the soul. I started meditating today too. I only saw pink today, which is Archangel Raphael, who is my Archangel. She is a healer.

Most of my radiation appts are at 830 in the morning. A few are around 3pm, but mostly 830. I will be driving myself.

I will keep you all updated, next radiation treatment is on Tuesday. They are closed on Monday. Holiday, what Holiday? It is Jan2???

Anyway, Love to you all and HUGS to you all.

Love Jennifer. xoxoxoxo

Hand in Hand

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Givaway Freebie

Have you seen the pages I have made with my Digital Scapbooking kit? Look at the article title Mt Marie, for Dennis Durgin.

To win this My Memories V3, you need to go to the article named above and count all the different rocks seen and email to me at

Contest closes on 1/1/2012!!!

I do have 2 other my memories suite to give away. Stay tuned on how to win it!

Jen Bagley

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

My Memories Suite, V3

Freebie download, please follow link below.

If you want to purchase My Memories Suite please visit: and use CODE:    STMMMS84636

You will get a discount price off the original price. $10 off.

Mt. Marie, for Dennis Durgin

Mt. Marie, South Paris, Maine
The Best Mine in Maine.
Thank You Dennis for a wonderful experience!!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Angry People

This is from a blog that I came across. From the Magik chic.

How To Deal With Angry People
I've come across many people this month who are angry for wrongs committed against them.  These people have a right to be angry, but there must come a time when we ask ourselves, "Why am I still in this fight?" Most of these arguments are unspoken because there's so much water under the bridge.  As we approach the stressful holiday times, these undercurrents of anger can feel very intense.

But here's what I'd like everyone to consider: if someone is being mean to you and is acting in such a way to make this painfully clear, who wins if you get angry, upset and hurt in return?  THEY DO.  And you lose.

More importantly, why even join in the battle?

People who maintain a negative, angry attitude are sad and depressed and insecure.  Trust me, angry people are never happy people.  Yes, we all get angry and anger can be a great motivating source.  But I'm talking about the people who always choose anger, passive aggression and negativity over all other emotions.  These are people to be pitied and prayed for not ones who should be allowed to hurt us.

And let me make this very clear -- if an angry person is hurting you, it is your choice to remain hurt.  We have a choice in every, single situation we face.  Never forget that.

Why does this family member dislike you or that co-worker despise you?  Who knows?  And, more importantly, who cares?  You have better things to do with your time and energy.  Do not allow them to suck your energy dry because if you let them, they will.

If you find your blood boiling around these angry people, if you find yourself talking incessantly about the person to others, then you can bet that you too have caught the angry bug.

To make yourself immune from the angry bug, remember these tips:

Someone's anger toward you is NOT a reflection of you.  Their anger only reflects poorly on them.  What they think of you is none of your business.  Really.  Anger is born of jealousy, insecurity, hatred, regret, unforgiveness and deep depression.  It is not rooted in your actions but rather in their shadow.  When you can see this, really see this, you just might find that you feel sad for this angry person and might even feel compassion for them.  That is the goal.

When dealing with the angry person, do not allow yourself to be pulled into their angry vortex.  If they brag, let them.  Congratulate them too.  If they try to one up you, give them the lead.  I think this might be what Jesus meant"

This is so True. Thank you Magik Chic for this blog. I reposted because I thought it felt in the moment. things going on in my life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Abby's First Christmas Concert

Today, Abby had her first Christmas Concert of many to come. She is taking after her Daddy. Troy was a singer and trumpet Player.

 Abby is hiding behind the Music stand. She is in the black polka dotted dress. She loves playing the clarinet.

 Abby on the left hand side, getting ready to sing. This is the 4th grade class at Newport Elementary School.

This is her whole class.

I am so proud of Abby-Sue. She has been my Rock, my friend, my daughter and my Faith and Hope.

I see Dr. O'Connor Thursday, Will update everyone when I have the definite pathology report.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Pathology Report

I got a call from my new surgeon, Dr. O'Connor today. She told me that 8 nodes werre removed. 1 was positive with active breast cancer within the node..

This was excellent news. Merry christmas, i will be able to have a joyfull .

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Surgery Went Well

I had surgery on Friady, Dec 3rd. It went well. D.r O'Connor performed the surgery. She removed several nodes, not sure of the amount. Will know more with pathology report.

I am still quite sore and swollen. My drain is still draining a lot of fluid. It will remain in until it has decreased tremendously.

I am quite tired. Could not sleep in the hospital. Too many interruptions.

My Benefit Supper on Saturday night was a success. I want to thank everyone who came and donated money, food or desert. Itg was a great time. About 200 people there.

A big thanks to Debbie, Danielle and Alicia and their Families that helped out as well. A huge success.

Radiation should start in about 2 weeks.

Until next blog, love you all

There will be another supper on Dec 11, Sunday for Abby Caron. Please come and join us for another dinner and donate. Abby has MoyaMoya Disease, problems with arteries in her neck and brain and will need surgery in Boston. I will be there to support her. (She is in the same Daycare as Zach)

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Delay in Rads, Surgery on Friday

So, I obtained a second opinion with Dr. Susan O'Connor for removing more lymph nodes. Radiation or Rads for short, has been pushed at least 2 weeks off.

I have wanted to have my other lymph nodes removed before chemo but my initial surgeon did not want to hold chemo. Then after chemo, he said that there are new studies out that state that by going back in to remove lymph nodes, it would not prolong my life or mortality. I did not like his answer.

Thanks to my Aunt Cyndi whom I love dearly, came to my last two infusions. My husband, Troy was home with Zach who had a cold. Well Cyndi really pushed and asked about a second opinion. I am glad that I got to see O'Connor.

Surgery tomorrow, need to be at EMMC at 9am and surgery is at 1030 am. Dr. O'Connor will make a small incision and remove a number of lymph nodes. She will send away for pathology. We will see.

Rads will start after drains come out and I have recovered, about 2 weeks.

Supper on Saturday night. I will be there. I may come home same day as surgery or may stay overnight, not sure yet. But I will not miss the supper that Debbie White is putting on for me and Troy. I want to thank her and her daughter, Danielle. They are doing a lot for us. Danielle is taking Zach for the night, he will have fun because my other great friend, Alicia is bringing her boyfriend's daughter over to play. Rylie. They should have fun.

I want to thank everyone for all the support and thoughts. Well wishes.

Can everyone who is reading this, send a special prayer for Abby Caron, she is a young girl at Zach's daycare. She had several strokes a few weeks ago and has been diagnosed with MoyaMoya disease. A problem with circulation in the brain. She is going to Boston on Monday for an angiogram of her brain. Please send prayers on Monday am. She is a brave and cute little girl!!! There will be a supper for her next weekend I believe as well. Please keep her in your prayers. I made a bracelet for her and her mother. Please visit my Facebook Page    The Wishing Tree.!/pages/The-Wishing-Tree/148676808562055. Please click Like if you like the page. thanks.

I will update after surgery.

Love you all.