Hello everyone.
I know it has been a while since writing. My life has been up and down. Busy but not. Tired and recuperating from the awful chemotherapy. It has been about 3 1/2 weeks since my last treatment. PHew. That was a long 4 months. I am done with the poison.
I had my Simulation last Friday. This is where the radiology oncologist puts you through a CT scan, measures the diameter of your chest, places tattoos for radiation and sends you on your way, after lying on this cold table for 30 minutes with your hands above your head. I didn't mind. I set myself to meditation and called on my Reiki Guides and my Archangels Michael and Raphael. They enveloped me and could feel their wings engulfing me. Before I knew it, it was over. The tattoos are made with one needle with a little bit of ink. I have 3 now. I have never had a tattoo before. It wasn't too bad!!! one on the side of where my left breast was, one in the middle of my chest and one on the outside of right breast. Not too bad.
I will start rads on Nov 30. I will have 33 treatments. so that puts me into Jan before I am done. As long as there are no bad snow storms to delay my rads. If I have to miss an appt for radiation, then they tack it on the end of the rounds.
On Monday, I have a second opinion with Dr. Susan O'Connor for further resection of the lymph nodes in the left axillary area. Dr. Huang stated that there is a new study out that states that you shouldn't go back into do more surgery. I don't know. So will see another doc on Monday. Then Wednesday, radiation.
I am seeing a behavioral pyschiatrist as well, Dr. Fergeson at Lafayette. He is very nice. HE is going to help me with my anxiety and fatigue due to chemotherapy and the dx of breast cancer. He is good.,
Abby and Zach are doing great. They are glad to have their mommy back and feeling a little better. I don't spend most of the day in bed or in the chair as much as I used to. I am getting up earlier. I haven't slept late for at least 2 weeks. Late as in 10am. That chemo was bad for me though good at killing the cancer cells.
I have had a rib that has been hurting on the cancer side in the back area. I was scared that maybe the cancer had spread. Bone Scan Monday was negative except for a tooth that has been bothering me. I am on Amoxicillin for it.
Taxol was the second chemo agent I was on and I have some lasting effects that may or may not go away. I won't know for at least 6-8 months if it will go away. My fingers and toes are numb and tingly. I have a hard time feeling with the tips of my fingers. the sheets hurt my toes. It is an awful feeling. I make bracelets and necklaces. I can't feel the beads. I have to be careful. One night I found like a handful of beads in my lap cause I dropped them. haha. I am taking Gabapentin and it helps a bit.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!!.
I am selling Scentsy products. visit my website.
A little of work on the side. I love all the smells, esp blueberry cheesecake.
Until next time, I love you all.
The Silver Pen
This is me just a few days ago. little bit of hair, just little fuzzy on top, little bit longer in the back
Zach took this picture himself
with my iPhone. reverse picture
Lepidolite necklaces by Dennis Durgin, Mt Marie
South Paris.
He is very talented, mines his own minerals.
One for me, the lower one with rose quartz
the top one for Abby with Tourmaline (I believe)
My Handsome DAD with
my Wig on.
Zach at Daycare, Little Tot's Daycare Corinna.
Hope Flower |
My Painting,
The Hope Flower
Please visit my website as well.
http://www.jbagleycaringsoul.scentsy.us/ open house this weekend. Contact me for more details.